Why do non-farm activities develop in a village of Palampur? State two examples of non- farm activities.
Around one-fourth of the total population of the village Palampur is engaged in activities other than farming. The major non-farming activities are as follows in which the people of Palampur are engage
1) Dairy farming
2) Small scale manufacturing
3) Trading
4) Transport
Non-farming activities help in the development of the village Palampur as all the people in the village cannot earn their livelihood by the money they get from agriculture business. They need an additional income, which they obtain from dairy farming, trading, small scale manufacturing and transport. So, to meet their daily needs, they have adopted non-farming activities.
Advantages of non-farming activities -
1) Unlike farming activity, non-farming activities require little land.
2) People with small amount of money can set up non-farming business.
3) Non-farming business generate employment opportunities
Non farm activities develop in a village like Palampur because sufficient income is not possible from farming activity especially for small and landless farmers. So by engaging in non farm activities additional income can be earned.
(i) Dairy. Dairy is a common activity in many families of Palampur. People feed this buffaloes various kinds of grass and the jowar and bajra that grow during the rainy season. The milk is sold is Raiganj, the neary by village. There are collection cum chilling centres at Raiganj from where the milk is transported to far away towns and cities.
(ii) Small scale manufacturing. Less than fifty people are engaged in manufacturing in Palampur. Manufacturing in Palampur involves very simple production methods and are done on a small scale. They are carried out mostly at home or in the fields with the help of family labour.
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