why do organism reproduce
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Reproduction is necessary for living things because it enables them to create offspring and continue their population. Through reproduction, they pass on their genetic information to the next generation. This ensures that their ownspecies continues to exist on Earth.
What is reproduction?
Reproduction is the process by which organisms produce an off spring.
There are two types of reproduction:
Asexual Reproduction:
The mode of reproduction in which an organism is born from a cell or specialised parts of an organism. Variety is less. The processes are Fission,budding, fragmentation etc.
Sexual Reproduction:
The mode of reproduction in which two organisms produce an off spring. Variations are more.
Importance of reproduction:
1. For maintaining the continuity of life
2. For replacing the dead ones
3. For creating variation among different species of organisms
4. To increase the population of species
5. This even leads to formation of new species.