History, asked by razelparas, 1 year ago

why do we need to pray?


Answered by rajkuamrraja29012002
Earlier on I mentioned that we are meeting as church on Wednesday for prayer. Now some may ask, what is prayer, or why should we pray as a community, or what's the reason for a healthy prayer life? There are multiple reasons, explained and spelled out in the bible. Examples of how to pray - Luke 11:12 Prayer is how we communicate God. Our direct line to heaven. It is one of the ways we show our dependency on God. We tell him our fears, our joy, our stresses and he hear us when we pray and he will answer in accordance to his will. Through prayer we also praise him, bring others before him, glorify him and we give him honour. Maybe let's look at a few of them…: 1. The Lord Jesus Christ himself prayed. The bible mentioned numerous times that he would often withdraw himself from the crowds and his disciples to pray. Mark 1:35 “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.” 2. It builds our relationship with Jesus. Because Christianity is a relationship not is set of rules - prayer is how we communicate to God and he does the same through his word. I need to listen to him, but I also, more desperately, need to speak to him. Through prayer you get to know him. 3. Helps us determine God’s will. Again the example of Jesus that he prayed at the garden of Gethsemane, Luke 6:12 speaks how he prayed the whole night before sending the 12 out. 4. Accomplishes God's work. How many times have we prayed for God's work to be done? From prayer, trusting in God this Church was born and God’s still counties today in this building. 5. Prayer is valuable to God. Hebrews 7:25 “Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.” It is so valuable to God that it has been Jesus’ chief activity since he left us. 
Answered by Denita1
Prayer is talking to God. But praying, we come closer to God. Praying helps us in being spiritually alert, mentally confident and physically strengthened.
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