why do we wear diffrent types of clothes in diffrent season
In different seasons we wear different kinds of clothes because in different seasons the weather is different and we wear clothes according to the weather. ... For example in summer we wear cotton clothes because they absorb sweat. In winter we wear woollen clothes because it traps heat.
We wear different types of clothes according to the climate of the season like in summer season we wear cotton clothes because it is hot and cotton helps us to absorb more cold. Because during different seasons, the weather will change.
We need to keep cool in the Summer, and warm in the Winter, so we wear clothing to suit. In the Summer it's warm, so we can wear one layer, T-shirts, sometimes shorts, and footwear to suit. The Winter we need to wear warmer clothes, or wrap up, and wear multiple layers
White and light-coloured clothes are more suitable in summer because they absorb very little amount of sun's heat and thus keep our body cool. Dark-coloured clothes are more suitable in winter because they absorb most of the radiant heat of the sun and keep us warm