English, asked by jyotiverma680, 1 year ago

why do you want join aviation​


Answered by sweety9735


Female Airline Pilot Poses for Photo in Cockpit

Furthermore, the airline industry is enormous. In the United States alone there are more than 100 airlines of all sizes, employing over 550,000 people. And while airport positions generally offer fewer travel opportunities, there are over 13,000 airports in the United States, providing a variety of jobs, many of which pay well with excellent benefits, in every state in the country. Combined, the airline/airport industry dwarfs any other travel-related industry and creates thousands of new jobs, even when turnover is relatively low. Of course, if traveling is a primary interest, then definitely review the cruise ship employment section of JobMonkey.

Travel Opportunities

It’s difficult to imagine a job that offers as many travel opportunities, both on and off the job, as that of flight crew. On the job, flight attendants and pilots are constantly traveling from one destination to another while carrying out their duties. In fact crew members may visit as many as ten cities on several different continents in one five-day shift! Flight crews often spend days away from home, but in return they get to fly to many exciting places – from sunny beach resorts to exotic foreign cities.

Off the job, flight crews receive the same travel benefits that most other airline employees enjoy. Generally, employees can travel free or at a greatly reduced rate on their own airlines (space permitting). In addition, if your airline has reciprocal agreements with competing airlines, you can purchase deeply discounted tickets or receive free tickets on their flights as well. Flight crews also qualify for many discounts on hotels, rental cars, ski resorts, and other travel-related attractions.

A flight crew member with many years of experience says:

Who would want to do this kind of work? Someone who wants to travel. Because the travel benefits cannot be beat. There is free travel to anywhere you want to go.

Even airline employees who do not fly as part of their jobs usually are given opportunities to do so when off the clock. A good portion of the airlines we list in the JobMonkey employer database offer travel benefits to all their employees, not just flight crew.

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