why doctors hold wrist of a patient and look at their watches for a minute?
they hold the wrisr to check the heartbeat and check their watch for the time
Measurement of the pulse is one of the first steps in any examination process.
First steps should be easy and convenient.
A good example is doctor listening to you telling him about your problems while he takes your hand and checks your pulse on the wrist. You continue talking normally as he nods his head and checks his watch.
On the other hand, imagine a doctor trying to touch you in the neck right at the beginning of an examination as you're telling him about your pain in the abdomen.
That doesn't sound as convenient!
Measurement of the carotid pulse is necessary in certain cases, but in the routine measurement of pulse it is more invasive and disconcerting for the patient than the wrist.
Of course, the measurement of the radial pulse also offers some advantages:
1. Information about the vascular supply of the hand and forearm - something called a modified Allen test is often done!
2. Information about the blood pressure (getting a carotid pulse and getting a radial pulse signify different things!)
3. Information about atherosclerosis or wall changes in the artery
4. Extended measurement of the pulse for assessment of an irregularity like in case of arrythmia if any is easier in the wrist
Carotid pulse has a more important role in an unconscious patient where we want to check for blood flow to the brain or we need to be quick and direct right from the beginning. Besides, an unconscious patient won't be unsettled!
Of course, there are other specific reasons why the carotid artery pulsation may be examined for more information but as a rule, the radial artery is preferred as a convenient as a first step. follo.w me I will follo.w you my promise .