why does Jessica say 'you are daughter lost'
Merchant of venice act 2 scene 5
Gn every1
Shylock warns Launcelot that Bassanio will not be as lenient a master as Shylock himself has been, and that Launcelot will no longer be at liberty to overeat and oversleep. Shylock calls for Jessica and tells her that he has been summoned for dinner. Worried by a premonition that trouble is brewing, Shylock asks Jessica to keep the doors locked and not look out at the revelry taking place in the streets. Launcelot whispers to Jessica that she must disobey her father and look out the window for the Christian who “will be worth a Jewës eye” (II.v.41). Shylock asks Jessica about her furtive conversation with Launcelot, and says that, though Launcelot is kind, he eats and sleeps too much to be an efficient, worthwhile servant. After Shylock has left to see Bassanio, Jessica bids him farewell, thinking that, if nothing goes wrong, Shylock will soon have lost a daughter, and she, a father.
Hey mate here you go your answer ...
--> The scene takes place on a street outside Shylock’s house. This enables us to know more about Shylock and his thought processes. Shylock is about to go to Bassanio’s party. Launcelot meets him. Shylock tells him that he should not revel in eating and sleeping in his new employment as he had done in his house.
After repeated calls, Jessica appears. Her father tells her that he’s going to attend Bassanio’s party and gives her the keys of the house. He is not happy to go to the party but is doing so out of spite. He’ll feed on the prodigal Christian. He is reluctant, as he had dreamt of money bags, which is a bad sign.
Launcelot informs Shylock that there is a masquerade arranged. This makes Shylock tell Jessica that she should close all the doors and windows of the house, as he does not want the house to be contaminated by the noise of revelry coming from the masque. She also should keep inside and not gaze on ‘Christian fools with varnished faces’.
Launcelot gives Jessica, the message from Lorenzo. When he leaves, Shylock says that he is happy to see the clown go, as he’ll be joining Bassanio’s service and help wasting his borrowed money. After her father’s departure, Jessica thinks of her elopement and bids farewell to her father in his absence saying that ‘I have a father, you a daughter lost’.
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