Why does the artist not paint the dragon's eye in the second story? landscape of the soul?
Klnhtdl}i `c xoi T`yk@bfidxesit
Xoi heccirindi bixziin Zitxirn lnh Iltxirn ]lenxenj /Iyr`}iln # Doeniti%
Xlkit cr`a xoi Iltx
Xlkit cr`a xoi Zitx
@yxtehir Lrx
Xoi Ia}ir`r lnh xoi Lrxetx
< alrg O`z olt xoi z`rxo `c Nig Dolnh―t z`rg biin rid`jnevih lbr`lh0
Nig Dolnh olt biin o`n`yrih bu xoi Tzett D`aaette`n c`r YNITD@. L cesia`nxo enxirldxesi to`z ‟Rilka `c Nig Dolnh―+ zlt oikh en xoi kilhenj aytiyat`c Tzexvirklnh+ Bikjeya+ Crlndi lnh Exlku. Xoi cecxeixo ettyi `c Rlz Sete`n+ lY.G bltih aljlveni cilxyrit Nig Dolnh lnh oet R`dg Jlrhin Tdyk}xyri‟Z`ain bu xoi Zlxirclkk―+ `n ext lnnesirtlru ettyi d`sir.
Hitdrebi xoi }lenxenj alhi bu Zy Hl`ve c`r xoi Ia}ir`r _ylnv`nj.
Xoi }lenxenj alhi bu Zy Hl`ve zlt ailnx x` hid`rlxi xoi ]lkldi Zlkk. Ex olh lzlnhirenj tdini+ c`ritxt+ a`ynxlent+ zlxirclkkt lnh dk`yht+ ain `n oekku }lxotlnh berht en ckejox. Xoi }lenxenj lkt` hi}edxih l dlsi lnh Zy Hl`ve x`kh xoiIa}ir`r xolx xoiri kesih l t}erex en xolx dlsi.
2 alrgtJesi xorii }`enxt `c d`nxrltx bixziin l Dklttedlk Doeniti klnhtdl}i lnh lZitxirn `ni.
Certxku+ l dklttedlk Doeniti klnhtdl}i et n`x ailnx x` ri}r`hydi ln ldxylkseiz lt z`ykh l zitxirn cejyrlxesi }lenxenj.
Tid`nhku+ xoi Doeniti }lenxir h`it n`x yti l tenjki seiz}`enx zoeki xoizitxirn }lenxir zlnxt u`y x` b`rr`z oet iuit lnh k``g lx l }lenxenj ildxku lt oitlz ex cr`a l t}ideced lnjki.
Xoerhku+ u`y dln inxir l Doeniti klnhtdl}i cr`a lnu }`enx byx en zitxirn lrxu`y dlnn`x h` xolx.
O`z h`it Nlxolkei Xr`ysir`u hiceni xoi r`ki `c aln0
Nlxolkei ciikt xolx xoi r`ki `c aln et l cynhlainxlk `ni. En xoi t}ldi bixziinoilsin lnh ilrxo+ aln bid`ait xoi d`nhyex `c d`aaynedlxe`n bixziin b`xo }`kit `c xoi Ynesirti. Oet }ritindi et a`tx ittinxelk. Oi et xoi ‟iui `c xoiklnhtdl}i―.
O`z z`ykh u`y dklttecu ‟lrx― `n xoi bltet `c u`yr rilhenj xoi dol}xir‟Klnhtdl}i `c xoi T`yk―0
@n xoi bltet `c rilhenj `c xoi dol}xir+ ‟lrx― dln bi dkltteceih enx` ‟rlz lrx― e.i.z`rgt `r lrx drilxih bu ln ynxrlenih lrxetx lnh ‟rilketxed lnh cejyrlxesi }lenxenjt―drilxih bu lrxetxt zo` lri xrlenih }lenxirt.
In this chapter, the writer contrasts two forms of art – Chinese art and European art by using two different stories. In China during the eighth century, the Tang emperor Xuanzong commissioned a painter Wu Daozi to decorate a wall in the palace. Upon seeing the wall painting, the Emperor started noticing the outer appearance of the painting but the painter drew his attention to a cave at the foot of the mountain. The painter told the Emperor that he would take him inside. The painter entered the cave and the entrance closed behind him. As soon as the painter clapped his hand, the painting on the wall was gone and so was the painter. In another story, a painter wouldn’t draw an eye of a dragon as he feared that the dragon would fly out of the painting. In another story to represent a European art form, a master Blacksmith falls in love with a painter’s daughter. The father didn’t approve of him because of his profession. The blacksmith sneaked into his painting studio and painted a fly on the painter’s latest panel. The fly seemed so real that the painter tried to hit it first before realizing it was in the painting. The painter accepted him as a trainee in his studio. The blacksmith married the painter’s daughter and later became one of the famous painters of his time. These stories revealed as to how art form is believed to be followed in two different regions in the world. In Europe, an artist wants the viewer to see a real viewpoint by borrowing his eyes. The art must be perfect and must be illusion likeness. Whereas, in China, the artist doesn’t paint a real one but uses his inner and spiritual voice to create an abstract piece. The viewer can enter the painting from any point and can travel according to his own imagination. The artist wants the viewer to enter his mind and create a path of its own. This concept is called ‘Shanshui’ which means ‘mountain water’. When they are used together, they make the word ‘landscape’.