why education is the responsibility of everyone?
To one degree or another, every generation of Americans has had to wrestle with the challenge of educating its youth. We know it takes qualified teachers, capable school leaders, supportive learning environments, adequate resources, a rigorous curriculum, high expectations linked to standards, fair diagnostic assessments and nonacademic supports. But one vital ingredient has been missing in this formula for education excellence, writes Wendy D. Puriefoy, and that ingredient is public responsibility. As citizens, we take responsibility for our public schools when we vote for the candidates and provide the funding that supports and advances education equity. We must not accept achievement gaps, tolerate inequitable funding systems, make do with deteriorating buildings and outdated textbooks and defend failing schools and substandard teaching.
Democracy is preserved only when we exercise it. Our children will get the public schools they need when each of us is willing to do what is necessary to reclaim, revitalize and re-establish public education as the powerful engine of democratic principles and progress it is meant to be.