Biology, asked by pillamarimihirpdveii, 1 year ago

Why glucose is injected into the patients?(Answers please!!!)Project for (5m)


Answered by masram203

Glucose is selected as an feed to patient because

✳️ It maintains sugar level in body

✳️ Because of glucose the body get feeded

✳️ It helps to keep patient alive because some patient did not have capacity to have food.

But glue code did not give proper nutrients to body.

✳️ It just keep patent awake for serval futher treatment

Answered by SAMISHANA

Pituitary glands secreates 2 types of harmones. They are insulin any glucogen.

The function of glucogen is to increase the level of sugar in blood.

Patients who suffers from less sugar level in blood are given glucogen.

This is about glucogen harmone and not glucose.

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