Why great care should be taken while handling laboratory acids and bases?
Great care should be taken while handling laboratory acids and bases because they could cause external and internal damage to your body.
Acids and bases, found in the laboratories, are mostly very strong. Strong acids can cause damage to your skin and even burn through it if you don't wear lab coats as precaution.
Acids and bases have the tendency to react quickly and heat up randomly.
Every part of your body has a specific pH value. Acids are mainly of high pH values and bases are of low pH values. A change in the normal pH value could cause harm to the specific part of your body.
Great care should be taken while handling laboratory acids and bases because these are corrosive in nature, irritating and harmful to skin. When an acidic solution is mixed with a basic solution, both the solutions neutralise the effect of each other. ... In neutralisation reaction a new substance is formed.