Why have so few dinosaur fossils been found in Antarctica?
The lack of dinosaur fossils found in Antarctica has nothing to do with how many fossils might actually be there. The vast majority of Antarctica is covered year-round by a very thick layer of ice. In order to find dinosaur fossils, paleontologists would have to dig their way through more than seven thousand feet of ice in some places! That would be an incredibly difficult, expensive, and time-consuming task. Instead, paleontologists focus their efforts on areas where the land is exposed and fossils can be more easily uncovered. So while there may be more dinosaur fossils in Antarctica, very few have been found because they are simply not accessible.
Answer: There Climate is cold and Icy So Antarctica is covered in thick layers of Ice
Explanation: Antarctica is cold and has a lot of snow and ice yes now the ice and snow are melting but there are still Thick layers of Ice to go through till we see more fossils