Geography, asked by sadiarahman531, 11 months ago

Why hunting animal is immoral

theanup2: because killing to any god creation is immoral
sadiarahman531: Too much short ans
theanup2: ok
sadiarahman531: Kindly explain pls


Answered by nhkmk786

<b><marquee><font color= skyblue><h2>❤ HAPPY CHILDREN'S DAY ❤</h2></marquee>

Here is your answer...☺☺☺

Every year as daylight dwindles and trees go bare, debates arise over the morality of hunting. Hunters see the act of stalking and killing deer, ducks, moose and other quarry as humane, necessary and natural, and thus as ethical. Critics respond that hunting is a cruel and useless act that one should be ashamed to carry out.

As a nonhunter, I cannot say anything about what it feels like to shoot or trap an animal. But as a student of philosophy and ethics, I think philosophy can help us clarify, systematize and evaluate the arguments on both sides. And a better sense of the arguments can help us talk to people with whom we disagree.

Three rationales for hunting

One central question is why people choose to hunt. Environmental philosopher Gary Varner identifies three types of hunting: therapeutic, subsistence and sport. Each type is distinguished by the purpose it is meant to serve.

Therapeutic hunting involves intentionally killing wild animals in order to conserve another species or an entire ecosystem. In one example, Project Isabella, conservation groups hired marksmen to eradicate thousands of feral goats from several Galapagos islands between 1997 and 2006. The goats were overgrazing the islands, threatening the survival of endangered Galapagos tortoises and other species.

Subsistence hunting is intentionally killing wild animals to supply nourishment and material resources for humans. Agreements that allow Native American tribes to hunt whales are justified, in part, by the subsistence value the animals have for the people who hunt them.

I hope this answer is helpful to u...❤❤❤

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Answered by Anonymous
Hii !!

This is your answer...✨✨✨

Hunting is not immoral in every situations.
It differs according to the situations ......

1)It is a food for some persons.
2)But killing the animals for entertainment is not good .

hope it helps u....✨✨✨✨

always keep on smiling....✌
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