Why is a large steroid molecule able to cross cell membrane when a smaller molecule such as adrenaline cannot?
The reason that large steroid molecules can pa ss through the cell membrane is because of its hydrophobic nature.
Steroid hormones are lipids and can pa ss directly through the lipid bilayer of the cell membrane
The cappotential of a molecule to pass the fatty mobileular membrane has little to do with its size, however extra with its hydrophobic person.
Estrone is extra hydrophobic than adrenaline because it has a bigger carbon skeleton and handiest polar purposeful organizations. Thus, the molecule is hydrophobic in person and may dissolve via the fatty mobileular membrane.
Adrenaline has 4 polar purposeful organizations and a miles smaller carbon skeleton. Thus the polar purposeful organizations dominate in figuring out the person of the molecule making it very polar and not going to byskip via the mobileular membrane
There is some other element which makes it hard for adrenaline to pass the mobileular membrane. In aqueous solution, the 4 polar organizations might be especially solvated with water molecules. In order to pass the mobileular membrane, those water molecules should be 'stripped away' and this includes an strength penalty. The strength of desolvation for estrone might be much less because it has handiest polar purposeful organizations solvated.
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