Why is Cassius not in favour of antony doing his speech
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Cassius argues against
Marc Antony speaking at the funeral. He realizes that Antony can so
easily turn the people against the conspirators. Brutus disagrees. He
explains to Cassius that he will speak first, and then give permission
for Antony to speak. It will appear that Antony is being submissive to
the conspirators. This will strengthen the conspirators actions.Hindsight
is twenty, twenty, to borrow a cliche. Cassius was so right. Antony's
speech stirs up the crowd to an angry frenzy, an absolute hysteria
against the conspirators.Brutus and the conspirators have to flee for their lives.Antony's
speech has served its purpose. The people are rallied against Brutus
and the conspirators. Cassius was wiser than Brutus, but Brutus was in
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