English, asked by mimogoswami9535, 1 year ago

Why is EXO more liked than BTS


Answered by kupfersofi


Because they're part of the best kpop generation, they have better bops and because they're not that westernised as BTS that now they don't look like a kpop band but more like an American boyband. And also, EXO's members are even more beauty material, their coreographies are 10/10, and they have a better fandom.

Answered by aditi12451



I am an exol .....

I thinks its everyone's personal opinion whom they want to like based on their choices......

both are best groups of k-pop !!!

and both have the best music and artists ...

I can only answer why people like exo :-

because they are just perfect in every way and people adore them so much because of their music and dancing skills !!

#we are one exo !!

stan exo for better life (~‾▿‾)~

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