Science, asked by testsix7263, 1 year ago

why is forest depletion a cause of worry for us?


Answered by Vasu100

What's Ungreening the Forests? Causes and Effects of Deforestation
Causes and effects of deforestation
Here are some of the main causes and effects of deforestation.

Destructed forest
Trees are one of the most important aspects of the planet we live in. Trees are vitally important to the environment, animals, and of course for us humans. They are important for the climate of the Earth, as they act as filters of carbon dioxide. Forests are known as habitats and shelters to millions of species. However, the trees on our planet are being depleted at a very fast rate. According to some estimates, more than 50 percent of the tree cover has disappeared due to human activity. This removal of forest or trees from a land and converting it for nonforest use is called deforestation.
What are the Causes of Deforestation?
The deforestation causes include many factors. The destruction of the forests is occurring due to various reasons, one of the main reasons being the short-term economic benefits. Corruption at the government institutions, wealth and power due to harvesting of the riches of the forest, population growth and urbanization are some of the common causes.
Urban Construction
The cutting down of trees for lumber that is used for building materials, furniture, and paper products have a major impact on forest life. Forests are cleared to accommodate expanding urban areas. This results in loss of forest area and massive deforestation.
Forests are also cut down to clear land for growing crops, build farms, ranches and other food growing lands.
Grazing Land
Forests are cut down in order create land for grazing cattle. Huge herds of animals require food and forests are cleared out to make way for grazing lands for these cattle.


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Answered by honey210
forest are the most important ascept in our life

forest gives us fresh air
forest gives us fruits
forest stop the soil erosion
forest stop the sudden floods and increase the ground water

so we should not cut the forest.we should take care of the project
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