why is hydrogen being considered as an alternate fuel to Petroleum
Because It can be produced by water electrolysis easily and it also doesnt produce any CO2 when you burn it.BUT in order for hydrogen to be eco friendly the electricity to power the electrolysis cells must come only from renewable energy sources or nuclear reactors.Hydrogen is hard to work with though.Its energy density per kg is extremely high but its density is so low that the energy per litre(both gaseous and liquid)Is very small.The only way to store hydrogen is at extremely high pressures(200–800bar) or as a cryogenic liquid at -252degC.Storing it as a high pressure gas has the main advantage of not boilling away and easy fillup but the high pressure tanks are heavy.Storing it as a liquid has the advantage of higher density(even as a liquid the density of LH2 is very low at only 0.07kg/litre)but due to the extremely low temperatures needed the tank must be extremely well insulated to reduce boilloff.Compression and liquifaction of hydrogen is also very energy intensive.Hydrogen is escapes from even the smallest pores and holes due to the very small size of the H2 molecule.Hydrogen is dangerous because its odorless and can form explosive limits with air even at small concentrations.
BE SMART............^_^
Hydrogen is considered an alternative fuel. It is due to its ability to power fuel cells in zero-emission electric vehicles, its potential for domestic production, and the fuel cell's potential for high efficiency. ... Hydrogen can also serve as fuel for internal combustion engines.