why is it important to have a uniform time corresponding to the prime meridian?
Prime Meridian is an imaginary line considered on the Earth which is located at 0° longitude. It also divided the Earth in to the two hemispheres, the west and east. We consider the PM as a reference point to measure time differences between different points on Earth, it is zero hours.
Local times in India vary due to the large size of India. India lies between 68.7 degrees east longitude and 97.25 degrees east longitude. This is a span of nearly 30 degrees of longitude. Local time changes by an hour every 15 degrees longitude. Since the easternmost and westernmost points of India are separated by nearly 30 degrees of longitude, local time in India can vary by as much as two hours. Thus, the local time in the westernmost parts of India is about two hours behind the easternmost parts.
To ensure uniform time across the country, India has adopted the Indian Standard time. This is the local time at the 82.5 degrees east longitude which passes through Allahabad. This is about halfway between the easternmost and westernmost parts of the country. The Indian Standard time is 5 and a half hours ahead of GMT.
The Prime Meridian is the meridian (line of longitude) that goes through the Royal Observatory, Greenwich in London it is also known as the International Meridian or Greenwich Meridian. Other longitudes are given as east or west of the Prime Meridian. It is the longest longitude.