Economy, asked by barshasatapathy774, 3 months ago

why is it necessary to improve the condition of small and marginal farmers for the economic growth of the nation​


Answered by nanshrredred


Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare

Dear Dr. Victor, let me share common facts. In India area operated by small and marginal farmers has increased from about 19% to 44% and the average size of small holdings is 1.29 ha. Some of the interesting facts about small and marginal farmers are that multiple cropping index is higher for marginal and small farmers than that for medium and large farmers. The small and marginal farmers allocate larger proportion of their cultivated land to high value crops like fruits, and vegetables ; small and marginal farmers seem to have comparative advantage in growing vegetables than fruits because of quick returns in the former; small and marginal farmers allocate larger proportion of rice and wheat than other farmers; small and marginal farmers allocate lower proportion of land to pulses and oil seeds. In terms of production, small and marginal farmers also make larger contribution to the production of high value crops. Small farmers contribute to both diversification and food security. Some of common issues faced by small-marginal farmers are, imperfect markets for inputs/product leading to smaller value realizations; absence of access to credit markets or imperfect credit markets leading to sub optimal investment decisions or input applications; poor human resource base; smaller access to suitable extension services restricting suitable decisions regarding cultivation practices and technological know-how; poorer access to ‘public goods’ such as public irrigation, command area development, electricity grids; greater negative externalities from poor quality land and water management.

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