English, asked by joyvegeto1107, 1 year ago

Why is letter writing important in technology period ?


Answered by sultanmahmood197

t improves your relationships

I write at least a letter a week to someone. My nana, my friends overseas, my brother… Whoever it is, these are people I rarely see, but they’re relationships that mean a lot to me. Taking up my time to write a letter to a friend, then, is never time wasted, even if it takes me twice as long as writing a message on social media.

Process, patience, persistence… these are words lost today. Letter writing is one of the few crafts where we can actively develop these skills in ourselves. The same goes for phones, televisions and laptops. We’re in a distracted world, and relationships are taken for granted. Letter writing helps us prioritise what actually matters in life: Who we spend it with.

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