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taj mahal is loosing its colour pure white because of the pollution and also because of the acid rainsĀ there.bcoz of the pollution the concentration of nitric acid(N+H2O),sulphuric acid(S+H2O) etc...increases and by that the acid rains fall. and by this acid rains the taj mahal is loosing its pure white marble colour.
and another cause is of the gas emitted by the vehicles,and burning of dung pieces etc.....
hope this helps..
and another cause is of the gas emitted by the vehicles,and burning of dung pieces etc.....
hope this helps..
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the industries located in and aroundbAgra like rubber processing ,automobiles ,chemicals and soecially Mathura oil refinery have been responsible for producing pollutants like sulphur oxide and nitrogen oxide .these gaese react with the water vapour with rain making the acid rain . acid rain has result in corrision of the marble of the monument. this phenomenon is called Marble cancer. suspended particulate matter such as the soot particles emitted by the Mathura oil refinery have contributes to the yellowing of the marbles.
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