Why is the liver the only organ that can regenerate?
Because the liver is the main site of drug detoxification, it is exposed to many chemicals in the body which may potentially induce cell death and injury. The liver can regenerate damaged tissue rapidly thereby preventing its own failure.
When you fall and scrape your knee, or injure yourself in some other way, you haven’t lost the skin in that area forever. Instead, our body regenerates the lost skin cells to restore our perfectly glowing and healthy skin again. However, there are times when this doesn’t happen, for instance, in the case of third-degree burns, amputations etc. In such cases, the body part in question doesn’t regenerate completely. What we are actually left with is scar tissue.
Another surprising fact is that our liver is the only internal organ that can regenerate itself. Most people are aware that liver transplants don’t always involve transplanting the whole organ. Rather, a portion of the donor’s liver is cut off and put into the receiver’s body, where it grows into a fully functional liver in about a year’s time. However, the heart, brain, kidneys and other essential organs don’t possess this phenomenal property.