Why is the no. Of egg laid by frog at a time mucjh higher than those laid by a hen brainly?
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Organisms having internal fertilization, like a hen, produce one egg at a time. This is so because here there is less chance of failure fertilization. Frog-like aquatic organisms having the external mode of reproduction has to lay an egg in a hundred due to the random deposition of eggs and uncertainty of the fertilization event, when a large number of eggs are made and these eggs sticked to each other and make fertilization possible. Also, the threat of predators who feed on these eggs, so larger number of eggs gives more possibility of perpetuating the race of the organism in the planet.
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frogs are the amphibians which lay eggs while having sexual contact.....so the no. of ovariea get fertile with male sperm that is the total no. of egg it lay... so the frog has large no. of egg
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