Geography, asked by aditisuyog, 1 year ago

Why is there unfavourable sex ratio in india


Answered by Joel873
There are several reasons for low sex ratio- 1) Female foeticide-A large no of girls are killed in the womb only though determining sex before child birth is illegal. 2) Lack of Education among masses-people are not enough eduated to know the importance of girls .Many of them are not even aware about role of girl in a family . 3) Problem of son prefernce-This problem is related to poor mentality of people who consider boys as a family continuer and more capable of earning wage . 4) Dowry system - The dowry system plays a dominant role in poor or middle class families to avoid girls child because they fear marriage of the girl would be a expensive venture since dowry needs to be paid.
Answered by Khushib707
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