Why is this group growing on the surface of the bark?
Bark is the outermost covering of a tree's trunk and branches, like a protective skin. Tree bark conserves water and also serves to protect the tree's essential living systems from environmental and situational dangers. These include temperature extremes, storms, attacks by animals, diseases, and insects.
Bark is the outermost layers of stems and roots of woody plants. Plants with bark include trees, woody vines, and shrubs. Bark refers to all the tissues outside the vascular cambium and is a nontechnical term.[1] It overlays the wood and consists of the inner bark and the outer bark. The inner bark, which in older stems is living tissue, includes the innermost layer of the periderm. The outer bark on older stems includes the dead tissue on the surface of the stems, along with parts of the outermost periderm and all the tissues on the outer side of the periderm. The outer bark on trees which lies external to the living periderm is also called the rhytidome.
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