Why is tungsten metal used in bulbs but not in fuse wires?
It is because tungsten has a very high melting point. If it is used as a fuse wire, then it will not melt even when large amount of current is passed through it , and the appliance will be damaged.A
Tungston has a very high melting point and thus it wont burn in a bulb
Fuse wires need to be of a low melting point so as when the current level rises above a certain level it heats up the fuse wire, the wire melts and saves our appliances.
On the other hand Tungsten has a high melting point of 3422°C and thats why it is used in bulbs to give out light without melting.
Now,if tungsten is used in fuse wires,it would never melt as a large(very large) amount of current is required to melt it and the high current will keep on passing through the fuse damaging the appliances.