Physics, asked by yking7116, 10 months ago

why less sound is produced when water is poured on the corner of bucket then in the center​


Answered by hy080420


The running water falling on the surface of water creating noise due to the fact that it is breaking the surface tension of the bucket water. The collision being inelastic, sound energy is emitted. The combination of sounds you hear are:

The sound wave travels down the depth of water and back, and due to damping by the water, the intensity is reduced. Hence the distinct sound when the bucket is almost full.

The vibrations of the bucket are caused by the sound waves and also by the water waves traversing radially away from the center. For the sound waves, the bucket acts like a one end open pipe and the sound waves cause the vibration of prominently that part of the bucket which still doesn't contain water.

For the water waves, the waves dissipate energy to the bucket when they collide with its inner surface. The periodic generation of these waves result in the vibration of the bucket at a sufficient frequency to be audible to us. Hence the distinct sound when the bucket is about empty.

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