Social Sciences, asked by chawlaharman8670, 7 months ago

Why mother teresa and florence nightangle are examples of selfless servce


Answered by banerjeepriti56


Mothe teresa:

She is famous, because she was a person who was faithful to her profession of faith in Christ. In other words, she was a faithful and humble Christian. In fact, she went to help the poorest of the poor in Calcutta India. She worked with lepers, outcasts and the homeless. And she did this for her life mission without seeking fame for anyone. This fact made her an inspiration to many people, not just Christians. She won people over by her humility and service, not her wealth or power.

In the most fundamental of ways, Mother Teresa represents the best of humanity.  Her willingness to bring attention to the plight of those in Calcutta and, in all sincerity, all over the world who live in poverty is the reason why she was famous.  Her openness and pure st sense of care for those who are considered to be the most destitute in the world made her a paragon of compassion and love for all humanity.  There was little in way of political agenda apparent (outside of espousing the views of her Catholic Church) and even less in way of self serving motives.  Part of the reason why she is famous is for her good works, but also her inspiration to others in joining her in the selfless pursuit of helping others and making life a little bit more bearable.  In a twentieth century that saw the rise of Hitler and the Nazis, the dropping of the Atomic bomb, and so many examples of genocide and murder, Mother Teresa reminded us that while there can be much bad, there are individuals who can remind us of all that is good within human beings.

She was famous because she unselfishly dedicated her life to the people of India when she would not have had to do so.  That is why she is widely seen as a very holy person.

Mother Teresa left her parents home in what is now Macedonia to become a nun when she was only 18.  When she was 21, she went to India and spent the rest of her life there.  For much of that time, she was running a ministry that took care of the poorest people in the cities.

Because she was so selfless, she has become famous and widely revered.

Florence nightangle:Florence Nightingale is famous for changing the way nurses were perceived during her time, raising the standards for nursing, and educating nurses.

First of all, when she arrived in Turkey in 1854 during the Crimean War, she found the conditions in the hospital to be horrid. Wounded soldiers were lying in filth which included dirty clothes and bloodied bandages. Most were dying from the spread of disease rather than their wounds. The first thing she did with her team of nurses was scrub the hospital from top to bottom, provide clean clothing, and make conditions, overall, sanitary.

Secondly, prior to Nightingale, nursing was thought of as a lowly profession, much like that of a servant. She fought to raise the standards of nursing, highlighting sanitary conditions, educating patients so they could care for themselves, and assessing patients' conditions around the clock. When she made her way to check on the patients during the night, she carried a lamp with her. For this she was named "The Lady with the Lamp." Her patient assessment is now known as "making the rounds" in today's modern hospitals. Because of her dedication, nursing became an honored profession.

Lastly, she was recognized by Queen Victoria, who gave her a jeweled brooch. Also, she was the first woman to be given honorary membership in the Royal Statistical Society. Nightingale also published a book on nursing. She is famous for these remarkable feats.

Answered by talindua


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