Why only lotas is choosen as national.Flower in hindi?
Lotus scientifically known as Nelumbo Nucifera is the National Flower of India. It is a sacred flower and occupies a unique position in the art and mythology of ancient India and has been an auspicious symbol of Indian culture since time immemorial. The Lotus symbolises divinity, fertility, wealth, knowledge and not to forget enlightenment. Lending to its uniqueness, the flower grows in murky waters and rises on a long stalk above the surface to bloom glorious. It is also a symbol of triumph, since the lotus is rooted in the mud and can survive to regerminate for thousands of years. It represents long life, honor, and good fortune. Untouched by the impurity, lotus symbolises the purity of heart and mind. Human beings are instructed by Indian scripture to live a life of non-attachment, which is very hard. The lotus holds additional significance for Hindus, as it is a symbol of God and used often in religious practices. Then in Indian thought, there is the last and final lotus - Charan Kamal or lotus feet of the Almighty. It was this depth of thought that made the founding fathers of modern India enshrine the lotus in the Constitution as the National Flower.
The lotus - called Kamal in Hindi and Pamposh in Kashmiri - has been viewed as a transcendental flower by many eastern cultures. It rises out of an aquatic environment (which could also be mucky or muddy), but it pure, fresh, beautiful and rises upwards. So, the lotus represents beauty, transcendence, a sense of being born into a higher-level and so on. It also grows in most parts of India, starting from many parts of the Himalayas all the way down to the southern tip of the country more than 3000 kilometers away, where it is skirting the equatorial area of the planet.
The shape of the flower is also very interesting. It can be very symmetric or asymmetric depending on which one you are looking at. It comes in a huge variety of sizes. Some are just absolutely massive, and others are tiny. The color variation is also phenomenal, from blue to purple to pink to yellow, orange, red, white.
in hindi,,,,,,
कमल - जिसे हिंदी में कमल कहा जाता है और कश्मीरी में पंपोश - को कई पूर्वी संस्कृतियों द्वारा एक पारलौकिक फूल के रूप में देखा गया है। यह एक जलीय वातावरण से निकलता है (जो मूक या मैला भी हो सकता है), लेकिन यह शुद्ध, ताजा, सुंदर और ऊपर की ओर बढ़ता है। तो, कमल सुंदरता, पारगमन, उच्च स्तर में पैदा होने की भावना का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है। यह भारत के अधिकांश हिस्सों में भी उगता है, जो हिमालय के कई हिस्सों से शुरू होकर पूरे देश के दक्षिणी सिरे तक 3000 किलोमीटर से अधिक दूर तक जाता है, जहाँ यह ग्रह के विषुवतीय क्षेत्र से छेड़छाड़ करता है।
फूल का आकार भी बहुत दिलचस्प है। यह बहुत ही सममित या असममित हो सकता है जिसके आधार पर आप जिसे देख रहे हैं। यह विभिन्न प्रकार के आकारों में आता है। कुछ बस बड़े पैमाने पर हैं, और अन्य छोटे हैं। रंग भिन्नता भी अभूतपूर्व है, नीले से बैंगनी से गुलाबी से पीले, नारंगी, लाल, सफेद तक।