why oops principal is implemented in keyword extended
I know but plz follow me I follow back you ok
⭐OOP concepts allow us to create specific interactions between Java objects. They make it possible to reuse code without creating security risks or making a Java program less readable.
⭐Here are the four main principles in more detail.
AbstractionAbstraction aims to hide complexity from the users and show them only the relevant information. For example, if you want to drive a car, you don’t need to know about its internal workings. The same is true of Java classes. You can hide internal implementation details by using abstract classes or interfaces. On the abstract level, you only need to define the method signatures (name and parameter list) and let each class implement them in their own way.
⭐Abstraction in Java:
⭐Hides the underlying complexity of data
⭐Helps avoid repetitive code
⭐Presents only the signature of internal functionality
⭐Gives flexibility to programmers to change the implementation of the abstract behaviour
⭐Partial abstraction (0-100%) can be achieved with abstract classes
⭐Total abstraction (100%) can be achieved with interfaces