Political Science, asked by 9350952142, 1 year ago

why power sharing is good for democracy in 3 marks


Answered by susanna1
POWER SHARING is the very spirit of democracy . power sharing is a good way to avoid political instability and hence to maintain political order in the country . the second major reason supporting power sharing has deeper motive in the spirit of democracy .

if it really helped u so. , plsss mark my answer as brainliest Because I need two brainliest marks to clinch a new rank .

thank you so much

9350952142: ok
deswaldeepak29p32d7d: ok
9350952142: where r u live
susanna1: in new delhi.
deswaldeepak29p32d7d: why you ask this question to me reply
9350952142: what
deswaldeepak29p32d7d: you ask me where you live
9350952142: to check the standard
deswaldeepak29p32d7d: ok
deswaldeepak29p32d7d: I live in Rohtak
Answered by deswaldeepak29p32d7d
Decision is taken by the people the we can
Power are distributed among the all the elected members
Free and fair decision is taken

deswaldeepak29p32d7d: this is the full answer
9350952142: tel me acording 3 marks
9350952142: tel me
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