Why primary sector is not doing well in production sector as other sector are doing well
The problems faced by the primary sector in India that include farmers, miners, fisher mans etc. are following: Less area for planting crops, trees etc. farmers are not recognized properly.
The primary, secondary and tertiary sectors have fallen under intense pressure in the past few years. This is due to the global recession that has effected billions of people rich or poor.Within the primary sector, the share of agriculture and allied activities in GDP has gone down from 57 per cent to around 15 per cent over these years. One thing is to be noted that it is a decline only in percentage share of agriculture in national income, the total volume of agriculture production is actually rising.The primary sector includes all those activities the end purpose of which consists in exploiting natural resources: agriculture, fishing, forestry, mining, deposits
Primary sector is also known as agricultural sector. It is a production sector but secondary and tertiary sector is important for its development, secondary sector or industrial sector had playing an important role in production.
Tertiary sector is important for transport of the goods.
Hope you understand.