Why should we conserve forests and wildlife?
Answer :
Forests and wildlife should be conserved for many reasons :-
• It is important for the ecological stability of a particular area.
• They are the measure of biodiversity and by conserving them we let all the species survive peacefully.
• Forests are natural purifiers. Plants purify the air by converting carbon dioxide into oxygen which is inhaled by human beings. Also by converting CO2 into oxygen they help in reducing global warming as CO2 is a greenhouse gas.
• We obtain fruits, medicines, chandan and bamboo from forests.
• Forests and wildlife form the major part of food chains and food webs. For maintaining the ecological balance it is necessary that the forests and wildlife should be conserved.
• Wildlife should be conserved to prevent the less found species from getting extinct.
• Forests contribute in bringing rainfall by maintaining a proper water cycle.
• Forests help in preventing floods and soil erosion as the tree roots bind to the soil.
• Industries like timber and furniture industry depend on forests for raw materials.
• Forests also help in maintaining the fertility of the soil.