English, asked by jackup305, 1 year ago

Why Should We Use Cloth Bags Instead Of Plastic Bags


Answered by paulbrag

Answer: Cloth bags are thicker than plastic bags, which makes them strong enough to be used again and again. Plastic grocery store bags can also be reused; however, punctures or overloading can render a thin plastic bag unusable. Cloth bags are also more durable than paper bags, which lose integrity if they become wet.

Answered by S1nk1lp



We should use cloth bag because plastic bag will not decompose as well as the quality of plastic bag is poor it will get tear easily where has in cloth bag the quality of bag is perfect it will not get tear easily it can be in infinity of time it will not get tear . Plastic can be fire or throw in over there also it will pollute the environment if fire plastic bag it will realise harmful gases.so that we should use cloth bag

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