Sociology, asked by rockstartamang, 1 year ago

why temperate zone is best habitat for human beings?


Answered by sahevs

Temperate climates of the Earth are characterized by relatively moderate mean annual temperatures, with average monthly temperatures above 10°C in their warmest months and above −3°C in their colder months (Trewartha and Horn, 1980). Most regions with a temperate climate present four seasons, and temperatures can change greatly between summer and winter (McColl, 2005). Most people live in temperate zones, and human population densities in coastal regions are about three times higher than the global average (Small and Nicholls, 2003). Globally, nearly all temperate coastal regions experienced net immigration during the last century (Neumann et al., 2015), and the increasing population associated with rapid economic growth (Hugo, 2011; Smith, 2011) has led to extensive conversion of natural coastal wetlands to agriculture, aquaculture, and silviculture, as well as industrial and residential uses (Valiela, 2006).

Humans both influence and depend on the extensive ecosystem services that temperate coastal wetlands provide, sustained by biological populations and their dynamic interaction with physical and chemical properties of the environment (Kirwan and Megonigal, 2013). The interaction of biota, hydrology, and sediments is clearly evident in the ecological and geomorphologic characteristics of temperate coastal wetlands. Living organisms respond to abiotic factors such as tidal inundation, climate, groundwater, accommodation space (the space between sediment surface and mean sea level), and sediment dynamics, as well as human interventions. The paleoenvironmental records preserved in coastal wetlands provide both ecological and chronological information on their evolution in response to many of these factors and reveal valuable information concerning past climate change, vegetation history, paleohydrology, sea level trends, and alteration by human activities (Tooley, 1986).

Coastal salt marshes are the dominant land cover type in the intertidal zone of many low energy temperate coasts (see Adam, 1990; Allen and Pye, 1992), instead of the extensive mangroves that characterize tropical latitude coasts (Odum et al., 1982). Salt marsh plants, mostly herbaceous halophytes, are adapted to regular inundation by saltwater, especially those species occupying the lowest portion of a marsh. In this zone, the vegetation type and distribution is controlled primarily by hydroperiod, defined as the product of the frequency and duration of tidal flooding (French, 1993). At higher elevations where tidal inundation becomes less frequent, evaporation is more intense and a different type of vegetation, composed of succulents, salt excreters, and salt excluders, may appear in response to salt stress (Cronk and Fenessy, 2001). In arid and semiarid coastal locations, high evaporation rates may produce muddy salt flats instead of a typical high marsh and, at the other end of the scale, large volumes of freshwater discharging into the upper salt marsh may support less salt-tolerant wetland plants, such as Phragmites reeds.

A broader definition of coastal wetlands includes a wide variety of environments, covering a spatial extent that may spread over several kilometers, from tidal flats, salt marshes, and mangroves to freshwater tidal and nontidal wetlands forming a transition to terrestrial systems, whose hydrology is still influenced by mean sea level. Hageman (1969) first used the term perimarine zone to refer to the area where freshwater wetlands persist under the control of relative mean sea level. In humid climates, freshwater seepage and high groundwater levels provide the waterlogged conditions necessary for the development and persistence of perimarine freshwater swamps, nontidal marshes, and fens (Gardner et al., 2000; Waller et al., 1999). In the perimarine zone of arid climates, under a combination of high evaporation and low freshwater inputs, soils develop extremely high salinities that eliminate all but the most tolerant plants

Answered by Anonymous


We feel best when the average temperature of our skin is from 32.5° to 35°C and when the difference between local body part skin temperatures differs by no more than 5°C. The human body is at its best when it can regulate heat easily by adjusting blood flow – when we neither sweat to cool off nor shiver to warm up.

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