why the smoke of initial combustion is white
White smoke occurs as a result of combustion temperature being so low that only partial combustion occurs and the partially burned fuel that exits the exhaust is in the form of a white vapory smoke. Technically, the white color is caused by the light-scattering characteristics of the re-condensed droplets of fuel (unburned or partially burned) larger than one micron.
Many factors contribute to this unsociable condition and it can be one or more of the following:
1. Poor fuel quality (low cetane rating).
2. Low inlet air temperature.
3. Low coolant temperature.
4. Low compression ratio.
5. Retarded (incorrect) ignition timing.
6. Incorrect/failed fuel injection components.
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Other causes for a diesel engine failing to burn the diesel fuel and producing white smoke include poorly sealed piston rings, burnt-out glow plugs, poor fuel quality or a clogged air filter. Extreme engine problems, such as a cracked block, a cracked cylinder head, leaking valves or a blown head gasket, can also cause the problem.
Sometimes white smoke only appears when the engine starts cold, going away as the engine warms up. When this occurs, it is typically due to deposits around the piston rings. Products designed to flush carbon away from the pistons often cures this problem. If the white smoke is due to the engine being too cool, adding an automatic pre-heater may eliminate white diesel smoke.
Diesel engines also sometimes produce black or blue smoke, both of which are also signs of problems within the engine. Black smoke indicates poor combustion of the diesel fuel, and blue smoke is a sign of oil burning within the engine.