Why very few people are interested in Astronomy?!
Any astrophiles here?!
It helps approach the big questions. Astronomy is more than mere stargazing. ...
You can improve people's everyday lives. That's not to say astronomy's benefits are exclusively in the abstract. ...
It's a very diverse field. ...
It's fulfilling work. ...
It offers transferable skills.
Astronomy like it's subject Universe, is fascinating but incomprehensible.
After learning about some 10-15 zodiacs, 20-30 stars, two hemispheres, Arctic circle and solstices, at North pole all directions point to South, it gets difficult. Numbers runs in powers.
After learning that Jupiter can accommodate more than 1200 earth's, you are very less likely to hit by asteroids in Saturn's planetary rings because of sheer size.
Antares radius is more than 800 times that of sun and it is not the biggest star known.
After 4 billion years Andromeda and Milky way will collide but not stars from the galaxy probably because, you guessed it right, super size.
Most of the discoveries in universe are not done while looking through telescopes but going through agonizing amount of data gather through Radio telescopes.
To understand the concept that universe is some 14 odd billion light years old but why viewable universe is almost 96 billion years old?
Even looking through telescopes, and galaxies don't look like hues of red and blue, they just signify temperature.
Understanding of Astrophysics is essential when you start moving away from solar system.
As far as Black hole, Dark matter and Big bang is concerned SF writers know more about it than astronomers.
hope it helps you keep smiling :)
Remember me didi Jia