English, asked by tariquetariquek, 1 year ago

Why was it important for anne and her sister to challenge their minds during the trying time of this confinments plzzz juat give thr answer very fast and quick as u can my exam is tommoroww of english only and this question is vv important plzz help.ur frind if u will.help me i will definetrly help uuuu by give the corect answerplžzzzzzz


Answered by sanish
Anne's wise father took care that his daughters continuous supply of books to study. In fact when they left their house, they stuffed as many books as they could in Miep's bags and Jan's deep pockets. Margot filled her satchel with school books. On 21 September, 1942 Anne wrote "Term time has begun, I'm working hard on French, Peter with English". Margot read books and Anne wanted to study Philosophy and Psychology. On 29 October 1942, Anne wrote that her father has bought the plays of Goethe and Schiller from the big cupboard and was reading out of her. The sisters and Peter learnt shorthand by correspondence course and Bep brought office work for them to do. Anne took a huge liking to mythology and especially the gods of Greece and Rome. Miep bought new books for them every Saturday. In order to give them something to do, which was also educational, Otto Frank applied for a prospectus from teacher's institute at Lesiden. He presented Anne with a Bible on St.Nicholas Day, so that she had enough knowledge about the New Testament also. One of the Anne's entries of April, 1944, describes the wide range of her studies --- History ----- Peter's the Great's war against Norway, translation from Dutch into English, History of Denmark, Brazil, History of the church, all about Greek Gods. She wanted to publish a novel on the Secret Annexe after the war. The other members also read a lot, specially Margot.
Even at the height of her infatuation for Peter, Anne found relief in studies. The girls studied in hope that they would be able to join schools after the war. Their reading was a safety valve, it made them forget their tragic circumstances, the fear of death. It was a mental challenge and kept them active in their isolated state and not fall a victim to despair. It made them feel normal in an abnormal world they were living. Education helped Anne to write her diary and express her thoughts so well. In this way, Anne and her sister challenged their minds during the trying time of this confinments
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