English, asked by karunanidhikundan0, 1 year ago

Why was the bird proud ?


Answered by Muktigoyal

The corvid family of birds which include ravens, rooks, jays, many others and this crow have been long been considered pretty intelligent and smart.

While there are reports that their brain is actually larger in proportion to their body weight compared to birds in general, we certainly can vouch for their intelligence the way they have survived, adapted and spread all over.

They are omnivorous and can eat anything. They find their way around in crowded cities or suburban settings or farmlands. They flock together and can challenge most other competitors. They are curious and they explore. Only thing that seems to limit their spread is the lack of nesting sites. So these supreme survival skills is a definite credit to their intelligence levels. Once they were considered the 'advanced' of all birds; modern biologists won't go that far and say that but do consider them smart. There are some studies which report the use of tools by some of these birds.

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