Why we need to grow commercial crops?
The dictionary definition of commercial crops defines them as the crops that are grown for earning profits as against the crops that are grown for self-consumption.
They are grown because of the demand (both direct or indirect) of the crops and because someone can earn their livelihood by growing them. For example, cotton is a commercial crop, the products of which are used in every single household all over the world.
Methods of waste disposal:
Landfill: It is burying waste under the land.
Incineration: This is also called as combustion. In this method the waste is burnt at high temperatures to convert into gaseous compounds. This process is also known as thermal treatment where solid waste materials are converted by Incinerators into heat, gas, steam and ash.
Recycling: Recycling is a process by which wastes are converted into reusable products, thereby reducing the usage of raw material and energy and controlling air water and soil pollution.
Plasma gasification: This technique uses highly charged ionized gases operating at 1000 F which creates gasification zone that converts solid waste into liquid and gaseous waste.
Composting: It is a natural degradation process which converts waste into simple organic compounds.
All the above techniques are required to keep environment clean and protect health of living organisms.