why we use helium in balloons not hydrogen
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helium is non reactor gas but hydrogen is a reactor gas
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Hydrogen is highly flammable, even more so than gasoline. Any hint of a spark (even from static electricity) and it can explode. I don't think we really want to give children exploding balloons, now do we?
Helium, on the other hand, is inert, non-toxic, and non-combustible, and even if it is slightly heavier than hydrogen, it is still the second lightest element in existence.Credits- https://answers.yahoo.com/activity/questions?show=RFH4JAYSCVNCBDCJLI4PE4HM7M&t=g
Helium, on the other hand, is inert, non-toxic, and non-combustible, and even if it is slightly heavier than hydrogen, it is still the second lightest element in existence.Credits- https://answers.yahoo.com/activity/questions?show=RFH4JAYSCVNCBDCJLI4PE4HM7M&t=g
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