why were adam and eve... thrown out from the heaven
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The man called Adam was created when God “formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul” (Genesis 2:7). Therefore, Adam was created from the soil, which is actually reflected in his name. While the word “Adam” means “man,” the root of the name, adama in Hebrew, means “earth.”
The Lord then planted a garden in Eden, with “every tree that is pleasant for the sight and good for food,” and in this garden “he put the man whom he had formed” so that Adam could dwell there and find nourishment (Genesis 2:8-9). Many centuries later during the exile, when the Genesis tradition came under Persian influence, the Garden of Eden acquired a new name: Paradise. The term is rooted in the Old Persian word pardis, which means “walled (or protected) enclosure,” usually referring to parklike estates maintained for the king’s comfort.
The Garden of Eden had many trees, and Adam was encouraged to eat from every branch, except from the so-called “tree of knowledge of good and evil.” “In the day that you eat of it,” God warned, “you shall surely die” (Genesis 2:17). As long as Adam was content to live in a state of perpetual innocence, all of his physical needs would be met. It then fell on Adam to choose an appropriate name for every species that God presented to him (Genesis 2:20). By naming the elements of creation, Adam welcomed and embraced all of the living creatures and gave them their place in nature. Learn the history of the “forbidden” fruit.
But Adam was lonely. God recognized this, and caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep. He then took one of Adam’s ribs from him, which he fashioned into a woman, who was called Eve (Genesis 2:21-22). Adam was delighted with his new mate. They were both naked, but their innocence prevented them from experiencing shame, or knowing good and evil