Business Studies, asked by moizanwar247, 10 months ago

Why would you set up a workbook to be shared if you are the only one using the workbook?


Answered by TheInnocentSoul

Hey mate ☺️

✌️ \huge \red {Gud \: morning } ✌️

By sharing a workbook: A team can work simeltaneously on the same workbook. No multiple copies , all the data by everyone is in a single workbook. Can be used to collect information for surveys etc.

Hope it helps ♥️

Answered by steffis

The need of share workbook


         " Share workbooks" is an more seasoned include that permits you to collaborate on exercise manual with different individuals . This highlights has numerous confinements , and has been supplanted by co- authoring. If you  share a workbook  in Excel 2016  or older version, you will able to work with other individuals on the same workbook at the same time . The workbook ought to be spared to a organize area where other  individuals can open it. You will keep track of the changes other individuals make and acknowledge or dismiss those change.

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