Wich of the following is a primary activity 1 manufactruing/fishing/banking/ education
جہاز ذبھس جس نے ہم آہنگی اے کوں استعمال تھیندن اے تے ساڈا کی نی تھیندا ویندے ھین انھا
Required Answer:-
Which of the following is a primary activity?
- Manufactruing
- Fishing ✓
- Banking
- Education
Primary activity is the simplest one among all the three types of economic activities. It involves activities based on direct exploitation of natural resources.
Fishing is a primary activity because fish is a natural resource. It is not related with manufacturing or processing or service related activities
Manufacturing is a industrial sector activity and in this process, we modify the natural resources to form more productive ones. Example: Cotton shirt from raw cotton.
Banking and Education are related to service sector or Tertiary sector activities which have shown a significant increase in GDP and employment after independence.