English, asked by dheivanaim256, 5 months ago

wildlife we

Se the home of the animals
trees and animals.
9.Write the central idea of the paragraph by reading it.
don't distweb those animals
If you are being bullied or if you know someone who is getting bullied, the best way
who is in a position to do something to rectify the problem. The adult can intervene and help
to stop it is to inform a responsible adult. The person can be a parent, a teacher, or anyone
the child who is bullying to realize and understand their inappropriate and unacceptable be-


Answered by naincyraj3038

bro firstly tell me that what we have to do is this question

Answered by deepapatel2202


Wildlife' is a term that refers to animals that are not normally domesticated. They are a living resource that will die and be replaced by others of their kind. Wildlife plays an important role in balancing the environment and provides stability to different natural processes of nature. It can be found in all ecosystems, desert, rainforests, plains and other areas. India's wildlife is both rich and varied, it includes all flora and fauna, animals, plants and macro organisms.

Wildlife is important for its beauty, economic, scientific and survival value. It helps to maintain the ecological balance of nature and maintains the food chain. It provides useful substances and wild animal products like ivory, leather, honey, tusk etc. Besides being a country's cultural asset it also provides aesthetic value to man. We largely depend on wildlife for every elementary requirement in our life eg. the clothes we wear and the medicines we consume.

Wildlife conservation encompasses all human activities and efforts directed to preserve wild animal from extinction it involves both protection and scientific management of wild species. Wildlife and nature have largely being associated which humans for numerous emotional and social reasons. Wildlife plays an essential role in the ecological and biological processes that are yet again significant to life. The normal functioning of the biosphere depends on endless interaction among animals, plants and micro organisms. Wildlife has occupied a special place of veneration and preservation in various cultures of the world.

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