English, asked by aditisuyog, 10 months ago

Will the examiner deduct your marks in English exam if you have exceeded the word limit in story or answers ??

Plzzz answer fast


Answered by Ayushrout
no it not necessary but their imagination if the length of answer will be more it may be correct you marks

aditisuyog: Thank you
Ayushrout: welcome
Answered by tilpu

no...not at all they won't count the letters and all so no worries dude...if ur answer is more thn they may consider it as gud thing only!!! it's not compulsory to write within the given amount...no one is gonu check all these in the answer script...the main thing is ur content , way of deliverying the answer , valuable moral and a catchy title....

that's it dude...

aditisuyog: Thank you
tilpu: ur wlcm :)
KhushiJadhao: If it is for cbse class 10th tgen your marks will be reduced...
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