Hindi, asked by haribhati128, 5 months ago



S. No Subject Contents

1. English I

Holiday Homework:

1. Write one formal & one informal letter in the English 1 note book. (refer English 1

book page 206 & 207 for topics)

2. Write a story for the following moral in your English 1 note book. ‘There is no

shortcut to success.’

3. Write an Essay in your English 1 note book. (any one)

a. My Aim In Life

b. My Favourite Author

c. Time &Tide Wait For None


Write a BOOK /FILM REVIEW in your English 1 note book.(English 1 book pg


2. English II


1. Learn and revise the chapters done in the second term.

2.Read the chapters of your Course book (2nd Term)

3. Prepare a summary of any chapter/poem (any one) of 2nd term from your course

book and write it in your English II copy.


(As mentioned in the syllabus earlier)

Read the Play ‘King Lear’ from Shakespeare book and :

1. Write the theme (central idea) of the play.

2. Write the character sketch of any one character of the play.

3. Hindi

Holiday Homework:

हहदिं ी अध्यापऩका द्वारा अब तक ऩढ़ाए गए वापषकि ऩरीऺा केऩाठ्यक्रम को ननदेशानुसार अऩनी उत्तर

ऩुस्ततका (हहदिं ी-1 और हहदिं ी-2) मेंलऱखेंसाथ ही ऩरीऺा हेतुउन ऩाठों को याद भी करें।


"नेत्रदान महादान" पवषय ऩर अऩनेपवचारों को सुिंदर ऱेख और रिंगीन चचत्रों सेसुसस्जित कर एक

आकषकि ऩररयोिना तैयार कीस्िये।

(ननदेश:- ऩररयोिना केलऱए A-4 आकार की रिंगीन शीट का ही प्रयोग करें। प्रथम ऩष्ृठ ऩर हहदिं ी में

सुिंदर अऺरों सेपवद्याऱय का नाम , साऱ , हहदिं ी अध्यापऩका का नाम, अऩना नाम ,पवषय , कऺा (with

section), अनुक्रमािंक,( Roll number) अवश्य लऱखें। ऩररयोिना की शब्द सीमा कम सेकम 300 या​


Answered by shifawani30


The high concentration of uric acid in the blood will eventually convert the acid into urate crystals, which can then accumulate around the joints and soft tissues. Deposits of the needle-like urate crystals are responsible for the inflammation and the painful symptoms of gout...

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