Wite an autobiography on ' Your Water Bottle '.
My name is Water Bottle and I’m here to share with you my transformative journey from being a thrown away bottle to becoming an aesthetically beautiful planter. Kamlaben picked me up from roadside a week ago. She is one of the 40,000 incredible Parayvaran Mitras (PMs) (Rag-picking women) living in Ahmedabad. Because of her, my life changed forever. After preliminary sorting, she sold me to the waste collection center where I was re-sorted. Since I was young and beautiful I made it into the Arts & Crafts section at PM center. I was about to have the makeover of a lifetime!
At the Arts & Crafts center, I was treated like royalty. First, I was cleaned properly; then, I was transformed into a gorgeous planter by artistic slum dwelling women. Instead of slowly decaying away for the rest of my life, I am now supporting a plant within myself. I don’t have words to express my gratitude to the Paryavaran Mitra project!
Water Bottle