English, asked by Anonymous, 7 months ago

With the help of a diagram of experimental setup describe an activity to show that the force acting on a current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field increases with increase in field strength​


Answered by yashvi193

To show that force acting on a current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field increases with the field strength. Apparatus Required : Aluminium rod, stand horse shoe magnet of different intensity, cell, key and connecting wires. Procedure : (i) Arrange the set-up as shown in figure. A current carrying rod, PQ is experiencing force F (ii) Plug the key, the current flowing through the rod from Q to P observe the displacement of rod. (iii) Now unplug the key and remove the first horse shoe magnet and place the second horse shoe magnet of higher magnetic field strength in a similar manner to that of first. (iv) Plug the key, the current again flow through the rod from Q to P. Again observe the deflection of rod. (v) Now bring both’the magnet closer together (to ensure greater magnetic field than that of previous case). Again observe the motion of rod. Observations : Each time, the conductor moves faster than that of previous one. It is possible only when conductor gets accelerated more each time which required more force. (F = ma) Thus, if the magnetic field strength is increased, the rod will experience a greater force and move faster. Conclusion : The force acting on a current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field increases with increase in field strengthRead more on Sarthaks.com - https://www.sarthaks.com/499209/diagram-experimental-setup-describe-activity-force-acting-current-carrying-conductor

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